XML nodes are defined in a structure where a node can have child nodes and at the lowest level, XML nodes are attached to report parameters. The list below shows a top level of a report where each node has several children. Each child can in turn have children. There’s no limit to the depth in the structure.
Data Source Code
Specifies the datasource code.
Report Code
Specifies the report code.
Parent Name
Specifies the name of the parent node.
Specifies the node name.
Parameter Code
Specifies the Report Parameter to which the node is attached. Can only be defined on nodes without children.
No. of Children
Specifies the number of nodes that have the current node as the parent.
Max. Iterations
If the node appears multiple times in the same report (e.g X ACCOUNT_KEY_VALUES above for up to 5 financial years in the Swedish Web Service), the number of iterations (years in this example) can be controlled by the value in this field.
If a different namespace is used for an individual node, that namespace is specified here.
Parent GUID
Each node has a unique GUID (identifier). The "Parent GUID" column associates the node with its parent.