Table of Contents

Monitoring Object

The Monitoring Object is the central data entity in Creditsafe Connect. A monitoring object represents a company or person that has been fetched from Creditsafe by performing a search. A Monitoring Object can be linked to a Customer, Vendor and/or a Company Contact. It is the Monitoring Object that holds information about ranking, last credit check status etc.

Relations to Customer, Vendor and Contact

A Monitoring Object can be related to one (1) Customer, one (1) Vendor and one (1) Coontact of type Company. The opposite apply; That a Customer, Vendor or Contact can only be related to one (1) Monitoring Object. This data model enforces the use of a single Customer/Vendor for each legal entity. In a situation where e.g. four customer cards represents one single legal entity (for different pricing etc.), three of thouse shall be linked to the fourth by "Bill-to Customer No." and the fourth be related to the Monitoring Object. Click here to learn mor about relations.

Data population

Data on the Monitoring Object Card is populated when pulling a data report from Creditsafe. The data structure received from Creditsafe is mapped to report parameters for storage in Business Central. Parameters are in turn mapped to fields on the Monitoring Object by specifications in the Parameter Mapping table.


The following fasttabs are available on the Monitoring Object Card.

Field Description
ID Specifies the unique ID of the Monitoring Object. This ID is provided by Creditsafe.
Name Specifies the official name.
Address (simplified) Specifies a concatinated address infomration provided by Creditsafe or calculated based on individual address fields.
Address Specifies the street address.
House No. Specifies the house number.
Post Code Specifies Post code.
Country Code Specifies the country code.
Customer No. Specifies the number of the customer the monitoring object is linked to.
Vendor No. Specifies the number of the vendor the monitoring object is linked to.
Active Customer Vendor Specifies the result of the last (usually) scheduled update where a calculation can be done to determine if the customer or vendor is act
Contact No. Specifies the number of the contact the monitoring object is linked to.
Report Data Fetch Specifies the date of the last data report fetch from Creditsafe.
Change Check Specifies the date of the last call to Creditsafe to check if any new changes has occured on the Monitoring Object.
Credit Template Code Specifies the code of the credit template used when performing a credit check. The Credit Template Code can be assigned automatically based on Credit Template Selections when the first credit check is performed. The Credit Template Code can be set/changed manually if the current user has been granted the right to approve credit checks manually in the User Setup.
Credit Check Status Specifies the status of the last credit check. The status can be "Approved", "Not Approved" or "Investigation". The latter means that conditions in the credit template are specified on data not present in the data from Creditsafe.
New Report Data Required Indicates, based on the changes reported by the last change check, that a new report data should be downloaded. For persons and certain company types when using the Swedish and Norwegian datasources and there's no report setup up in Report Selections that doesnt trigger a query copy, a physical mail copy will be sent when credit information is retrieved since there is then only credit reports available. This is never performed automatically in Business Central and needs to be performed manually for one single Monitoring Object at the time. This field indicates that this should be done.
New Credit Check Required As above, but for credit check. A query copy will be triggered if there are at least one report applicable for the monitoring object that triggers a query copy. Credit checks that trigger a query copy must be performed manually for monitoring objects one by one.
Activity Code Specifies the main type of industry of a company.
Activity Description Specifies the description of the Activity Code.

Field Description
Gross Revenue Specifies the gross revenue (if reported by Creditsafe)
Currency Code (Financial Reports) Specifies the currency code of financial report data (such as Gross Revenue)
Credit Limit (Creditsafe) Specifies a credit limit calculated by Creditsafe. This value specifies the total amount of vendor liabilities a company can sustain. Click here to learn more about how to integrate credit limits on you customers based on data from Creditsafe.
Currency Code (Credit Limit) Specifies the currency code of the calculated credit limit.
Debt to Dept enf. Authority Specifies the total debt amount towards publich debt enforcement authority.
No. of Payment Remarks Specifies the number of payment remakrs.
Total Payment Remark Amount Specifies the total payment remarks amount.

Field Description
Rating Index Specifies the last known rating index. This is a numerical value which is more granular than the ranking which spans intervals of rating indexes.
Rating Trend Specifies if the Rating Index on the last data report was lower or higher than on the previous data report.
Ranking Specifies the Ranking Code.
Rankng Description Specifies the description of the Ranking Code.

Field Description
Phone No. Specifies the phone number.
Fax No. Specifies the fax number.

Field Description
Registration No. Specifies the registration number.
VAT Registration No. Specifies the VAT registration number.
Status Text Specifies the status of the company (Active, NonActive etc.)
Type Specifies the monitoring object type. The different types are: Company, Person and Sole Trader.
Sub Type Specifies the sub type (e.g. Ltd, AB etc.).
Sub Type Description Specifies the description of the subtype.

Field Description
Data Source Code Specifies which datasource/API the monitoring object originates from.
No. of portfolios Specifies the number of portfolios the monitoring object is attached to for monitoring.

The five custom data fields are not linked to any report data by default. Each field can be given a descriptive name in the Custom Data Captions list. The custom data fields can be populated with report data by mapping them to report parameters. To give custom data fields more visibility it is possible to have them shown in the monitoring object factbox by specifying that in the Factbox Fields list.


Name Description
Search In Creditsafe Opens a page for on-line search of companies and persons in the Creditsafe databases. This action is not available on the Monitoring Object card.
Get Report Data* Retrieves report data for the object. If more than one (1) setting in the Report selection table matches the current monitoring object, the user is forced to choose which report to retrieve.
GET PDF Report Fetches credit report in PDF format. If the current Subtype Have at least one report choice that involves a query copy the user must confirm the retrieval of PDF report because it creates a query copy to the person/company.
Credit Check* Performs a credit check using the Credit Template defined on the monitoring object. If Credit Template Code is blank on the Monitoring Object, a default Credit Template Code is calculated based on the Credit Template Selection table. If no default Credit Template Code can be calculated the user will be prompted a list of Credit Templates to choose from.
Customer Analysis Opens an overview of outstanding orders and accounts receivables. This action is not available on the Monitoring Object card.
Add to Portfolio* Adds the object to a monitoring portfolio.
Check Change* Checks if there have been changes to the object by doing a web service call to Creditsafe.
Batch Process Opens a batch report dialog where batch processing of multiple monintoring objects can be processes, similar to the scheduled update of monitoring objects.
Calculate Active (Y/N)* Calculates if a monitoring object is linked to an active customer or vendor. Being active means that the customer (or vendor) has an open ledger entry (or a ledger entry not older than the specified timeframe in the field "Age Limit for Active Customer/Vendor" in the Credit Monitoring Setup) or an open document (order, invoice etc.). The calculation of the field "Active Customer/Vendor" is normally a part of the scheduled update of monitoring objects but can be performed manually with this action.
Customer - Create Creates a customer.
Customer - Link Opens the customer list to link an existing customer with the monitoring object.
Vendor - Create Creates a vendor.
Vendor - Link Opens the vendor list to link an existing vendor with the monitoring object.
Contact - Create Creates a contact.
Contact - Link Opens the contact list to link an existing contact with the monitoring object.
Relations Opens a list of relations between the monitoring object and customer, vendor and/or contact.
Change Groups Opens a list of changed groups for the last change check.
Field Changes Opens a list of field changes.
Credit Check - Rejections Opens a list of credit check rejection codes for the last credit check.
Credit Check - History Opens a list of historic credit checks.
Rating/Limit Changes Opens a list of rating/limit changes.
Messages Opens a list of web service messages.
Reports Opens a list of data- and pdf reports.
Portfolios Opens a list of portfolios the monitor object has been added to.
Customer Opens the card of the related customer.
Vendor Opens the card of the related vendor.
Contact Opens the card of the related contact.